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Spokane County Medical Society Foundation

The Spokane County Medical Society’s Board of Trustees established the Spokane County Medical Society Foundation (SCMSF) in 1996 to identify, promote, receive and manage projects that provide leadership in scientific research, education, medical economics, public health, public interest and healthcare. The Foundation continues today to be focused on developing and operating programs that serve the health needs of our community.

Its mission of “promoting and supporting the development of future physician and physician assistant leaders within our community, and identifying and funding important and innovative projects that advance the health of our community” is driven and preserved by the physician and physician assistant members of the Spokane County Medical Society. Designated as a charitable organization, it has been involved in community projects from providing funding for Christ Clinic, removing gang tattoos, increasing childhood immunizations, supporting a community health clinic, physician education (BMI), support for the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, the Hot Spotters Group and Community Court, Project Access, and the Physician Wellness Program.

In January 2024, the Foundation announced the award of a three-year grant to River City Youth Ops, with consideration of renewing for an additional three years at same level based on the report of progress. Since the closure of Project Access in 2015 following the passing of the Affordable Care Act, the Foundation has supported several local organizations and programs that serve the needs of the Spokane community, but have continued their search for a long-term, smaller community partner where their contribution could make more of a difference at the intersection of health and community benefit.

Click here and scroll down to see your SCMS Foundation Board of Directors.

The Foundation is currently accepting applications to serve on its Board of Directors! CLICK HERE for the application and CLICK HERE for the role description. Please email your application to

Currently, the SCMSF offers local organizations grants of up to $10,000 whose needs fall in line with the Foundation’s mission. For more information on the SCMS Foundation’s grant application and award process, please contact Shelly Bonforti at or download the SCMSF Grant Application here.

Your contributions to your Spokane County Medical Society Foundation keep the foundation healthy as we work to keep the community healthy. Your continued contribution will help develop and maintain programs that improve the health of our citizens and increase the overall effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Please make a charitable donation of at least $50.00 to continue the valuable work of the Foundation. Please either make your check payable to the SCMS Foundation and mail it to PO Box 650, Veradale, WA 99037 or CLICK HERE to securely donate by credit card.

Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Your SCMS Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c) 3 charitable organization.

For more information and how you can support the SCMS Foundation, please contact Shelly Bonforti at (509) 325-5010 or