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About Us

The Spokane County Medical Society (SCMS) is a professional membership organization comprised of physicians and physician assistants. Created in 1885, the primary purpose of the organization was to promote physician unity and carry out public service. Currently, we have close to 1,100 in our membership and that important mission still guides this association today.

Our Vision

The Spokane County Medical Society uses its resources and expertise, through collaboration and strategic partnerships, to facilitate the best community health possible for citizens of our region. SCMS is also well respected for its role in supporting the practice of medicine and stimulating teamwork across the regional healthcare continuum.

Mission Statement

The Spokane County Medical Society’s Mission is to fairly and objectively serve as a guardian of community health and wellness while leading and promoting the professional practice of medicine in our region.

4 Pillars of Focus

  1. Community Engagement
  2. Member Collegiality
  3. Support of Medical Education
  4. Medical Advocacy